Acupuncture is a branch of Traditional Chinese Medicine that is gaining popularity in Western medicine. Acupuncture is based on needling of points to improve the flow of Qi – or “life energy”.
Is Acupuncture Effective ?
In the last half century, acupuncture has gained popularity in medicine, and research into acupuncture has shown that acupuncture works for many conditions. These include acupuncture for blood pressure, depression, after stroke, with acupuncture particularly effective for low back pain, neck pain, knee pain, and other sports injuries.
Below is a World Health Organisation publication for diseases and disorders acupuncture has been shown to work for:
Traditional practitioners have been using acupuncture for thousands of years. It is based on a different school of thought to Western medicine – qi and meridians. Acupuncture frees up blocked meridians to allow better qi flow.
For further enquiries and appointments, please call Hyde Park Medical Centre (02) 92831234 / 80785100.