Blood pressure is the pressure in your arteries and veins as your heart beats. High blood pressure can lead to serious long-term health problems, and low blood pressure can lead to fainting and shock.
Why do I need a blood pressure check ?
High blood pressure (or hypertension) can lead to heart failure, stroke, heart attacks, kidney failure, and other serious problems. People can have high blood pressure and not feel ill, so it’s important to have a blood pressure check regularly.
How do I perform a blood pressure check ?
A blood pressure check is done with an inflatable cuff that wraps around your arm. All doctors and nurses at Hyde Park Medical can do a blood pressure check for you and tell you how often you should get a blood pressure check. If needed, we have home blood pressure monitors for you to check your blood pressure at home, and 24 hour blood pressure monitors.
What do the numbers mean ?
You’ll see blood pressure written as one number over another, for example 110/70 mmHg.
The first number is your systolic blood pressure – this is the pressure as your heart is pumping.
The second number is your diastolic blood pressure – this is the pressure as your heart is relaxing.
Normal blood pressure is less than 120/80 mmHg.
Prehypertension (high-normal blood pressure) is more than 120/80 mmHg.
Hypertension (high blood pressure) is blood pressure more than 140/90 mmHg.
Getting your blood pressure checked regularly means you can catch it while it’s prehypertension (or high-normal blood pressure) range, and prevent it from developing into high blood pressure.
For further enquiries and appointments, please call Hyde Park Medical Centre (02) 92831234 / 80785100.